EMDR Therapy in the Redlands, Queensland
Have you been affected by trauma? At My Counselling Place, you can get help on your journey towards healing with effective and cutting-edge EMDR therapy and trauma counselling to help you move on from the past, heal from your trauma, and to develop skills to cope with the present. We also provide telehealth services across the country, so you can access support wherever you are.
Our complimentary phone consultation allows you to get to meet your counsellor and to find out more about EMDR therapy and trauma counselling without any obligations.
“The past affects the present even without our being aware of it”
-Francine Shapiro-

All information you provide is strictly confidential, in accordance with the AASW code of ethics. Confidentiality ensures that your personal information remains private unless it is subpoenaed or authorised by law, the information places a serious risk to you or another person, or you have given prior approval. Additionally, Medicare Better Access requires that therapists send a brief report to your referring GP during the course of treatment.
Privacy ensures that all personal information is kept confidential and securely stored for the legally required duration.